
Faces of Columbia 2024: The Faces of Embracing All Abilities

By Inside Columbia
faces woodhaven

Woodhaven stands as a beacon of inclusivity and empowerment for individuals of all abilities. With a mission deeply rooted in serving others, Dr. Joy Sweeney, chief executive officer, and Greg Bell, chief operations officer, have dedicated their lives to fostering acceptance and inclusion within the community. “My entire life has been dedicated to the service of others as I truly love helping others, especially those with the greatest need,” Dr. Sweeney says. “Originally, I thought I was working on a temporary basis but instantly fell in love with Woodhaven’s mission and individuals,” Bell says.

Dr. Sweeney’s compassionate leadership style, coupled with Bell’s unwavering dedication, has taken Woodhaven to new heights of excellence within the Columbia community. “I hope that my compassionate leadership combined with my willingness to strive for excellence will model the behavior that motivates and inspires our team and they in turn will help our individuals thrive,” Sweeney says. “I am committed to our mission of enhancing lives and embracing all abilities,” Bell echoes.

For 41 years, Bell has taken charge of several initiatives aimed at enhancing the lives of those Woodhaven supports, earning national accreditation, and leaving a lasting impact on the community. “I led Woodhaven in obtaining a national accreditation with Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities in 1994 and have maintained that accreditation for the past 30 years,” Bell says.

While Dr. Sweeney has less than one year under her belt at Woodhaven, her passion for creating an empowering community based on inclusion in Columbia couldn’t be stronger. “I hope to leave a lasting impact on the importance of acceptance and inclusion throughout central Missouri and most importantly Columbia,” she says. “We have the opportunity to provide dignity, access and empowerment to individuals who have historically been deprived of this right. The lasting impact is a community where individuals of all abilities can thrive!”

Beyond their professional lives, both Dr. Sweeney and Bell are deeply involved in community service, serving on various boards and mentoring programs. “Service to my community always has and always will be a priority of mine,” Dr. Sweeney says.

As Woodhaven celebrates 60 years of innovation and dedication, Dr. Sweeney and Bell will continue to guide the organization toward a future of excellence. “I am truly humbled and inspired every day that I have the opportunity to serve as the CEO of Woodhaven,” Dr. Sweeney says. “Woodhaven’s services are individualized and have a positive impact on the lives we support,” Bell says.


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