
Check In with Your Resolutions

By Dr. Amanda Alcamo

You have officially made it to the mid-year check-in. Are you in alignment with what you set out to do?

As we settle into July, we have officially six months until the end of 2024. What does that look like to you? What does that mean to you? 

Some of our family and friends have set out to vision cast their year in January. This involved what they wanted their finances to look like, their health goals and relationships with others — whether that meant romantic relationships or being more social and making more friend groups. It also involved what they wanted vacations/trips to be: per quarter or for the year, or home improvement goals: maybe it was a garden, painting some walls, buying a few things to spruce up their homes or DIY projects. Possibly, it was coming together inside the home with their families for family game nights, connection and limiting electronics.

Well, we are officially here. The check-in point. So how are you doing? How are your family and friends doing? The most valuable thing in life is what you do with the time given to you. Take an hour or two to check in with your goals, get excited to cross things off, and if you are not where you wanted to be, this is not the time to be defeated and give up, but the time to reset, refocus and define why these goals matter to you to begin with. 

Life can get so crazy, and the truth is a lot of us can be consumed with social media or the busy hustle of life like taking our kids multiple places, being consumed by work. We often say: “I don’t have time for…” or “I am just too busy for…”  However, time and what you make of it are the only things you are responsible for. 

I just finished a book by Joshua Medcalf, “Chop Wood Carry Water.” It was the second time I’ve read this book. He says that many days we aren’t going to feel like working out and homing our craft. Many days you aren’t going to feel like treating people with joy and great customer service. Many days you aren’t going to feel like showing up and giving your very best. But when we decide to live by principles and not always our feelings, we carry ourselves much differently. The principle says you are going to reap what you sow. The principle says that we work hard no matter what and show up our best every day.  Where there are principles, there is life, freedom, hope, joy and inner peace. 

Wherever you are at with your journey, whether enjoying books by the pool, golf, summer barbecues or time with your family, I hope you can take some time to check in and be intentional with your day-to-day living so you can be in alignment with what you want out of your life and the rest of your 2024!

dr. amanda alcamo

Dr. Amanda Alcamo is a chiropractor in Columbia at Restoration Chiropractic. She is very passionate about truth in health, as someone that has had three spinal surgeries by the time she was 22 years old with the end result of her spine being fused from T3-L4.  She lives in Columbia with her golden-doodle Sonny. She loves cycling, hiking and remaining active and healthy. You can follow her at @One_Restoring_Lives or @restorationchiropractic on Instagram.

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