
New Year: Ins and Outs

By Inside Columbia
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If your goal in the new year is to support your body holistically, source more food locally, lower your toxin burden and clean up your beauty routine, all the while trusting God with it all and having grace in your journey… Let’s be friends!

A week into 2024, I have seen vision board creations, ins and outs, many starting physical goals, mental goals, joining groups like The Bible Recap and so much more. I love the enthusiasm a new year brings — full of hope, desire, ambition, restoration and excitement.

So as 2024 starts, let 2024 be the year. If you are new to my articles, I am Dr. Amanda, a chiropractor in Columbia and passionate about low-tox living. I love helping others to simplify how to reduce toxins on a budget without sacrificing performance, all while having fun and leaving grace for the in-between.

To me, holistic living isn’t about living 100% naturally, eating 100% clean and organic or doing everything perfectly. I believe when trying to do any of those perfectly, it can be overwhelming and can become an idol. Or, it can actually create more stress. A holistic approach to well-being includes you as a wholeNot just the physical, often I see many approach physical goals all while harming their emotional, mental and spiritual self. So, as you look at yourself as a whole, what do you see: spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially?

Here are a few things I find to be helpful, easy and applicable to add to or start your year:

  • Simple swaps you can make at your own pace: When running out of deodorant, body wash, house-cleaning products or beauty products, find one less toxic to swap, helping your overall body burden and potentially reducing chances of infertility and cancers. (You can follow my page on Instagram for tips.)
  • Healthier alternatives and things you may love to try or consider as a family. For some, it may be getting your entire family under chiropractic care for a more natural way of healing the body from the inside-out. For others, it may be as simple as trying to eat more home-cooked meals at the table without technology and screen time. Or potentially it is taking evening walks as a family at least 30 minutes per day, gaining connection and getting movement and fresh air.
  • Shopping local at the Columbia Farmers Market for fresh fruits, vegetables, grass-fed meats and cheeses. You also could eat more local at restaurants for good, nutrient-based foods that use local farmers and artisans to supply their products.
  • Lastly, grace-based encouragement for your journey and your family. In a world where social media grabs our attention and finds us mindlessly scrolling (this can cause anxiety, depression, ADHD/ADD, self-loathing, the fear of missing out, etc.), you may consider trying to limit technology for the whole family. Or go on a social media fast and add nightly or morning reading time for the whole family. Even if it lasts for two weeks or one month, this is a good way to evaluate your overall family’s priorities, stress and make small changes to improve your home environment.

If you start making lifestyle changes to support your body and family more holistically, you will find it easier, more cost effective and all around more wholesome in terms of health, so everyone wins. Whatever you choose for the new year, I hope you know that everything in your life currently is happening for your ultimate good. May this year find you continuously grateful, positive and restored.

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