Heartland Homes Remodeling & Roofing

Dave Parsons

Why do a whole home remodel instead of buying a new home?

One benefit of remodeling, instead of building a new home, is that with the proper renovation, you can significantly increase the selling value of your home. This is important when it’s finally time to sell. Even less expensive remodel projects can boost home values.

Dave Parsons
Remodel Salesman

When looking into a whole remodel, Dave Parsons, remodel salesman at Heartland Homes Remodeling & Roofing, says it’s essential to find a trusted resource to help you tackle the project because “you are dealing with your most valuable asset, and lack of experience from a remodeler can cost you time, money, and damage to your home if not done properly.”

At the end of the day at Heartland Homes, it’s crucial for the customer to feel happy and at peace in their home. This starts with “listening to you, the homeowners. From initial inspection to the final walk-through, our goal is creating a quality and affordable product that leaves you speechless,” Parsons says.

His passion for remodeling came from watching his father make a dream remodel a reality for customers. Now, Parsons gets to make that reality true for his own customers. “I saw how he created new spaces and the joy it gave to the customer when it was done. Now I get to help people build their dream space!”

And that next dream to become a reality could be yours. “We bring experience, quality and customer service to help you envision and design your dream home or space!”