Cooking with Brook

Miso Glazed Salmon Provides Perfect Segue Into Seafood

Getting people to eat salmon in the Midwest can be hard. I know, I grew up in the Midwest. As

Arepas Make the Perfect Side or Main Dish

With a dish that is pretty much as simple as pre-cooked cornmeal and water, it is amazing how arepas are

A Family Favorite

Spaghetti and meatballs are synonymous with kids being happy about what’s for dinner. “Mom, can I go over to Johnny’s

Curry Up And Enjoy

Curry is not a single flavor, nor is it a single ingredient (powder, paste or leaves). Indian curry can be

Hot Off The Press

There is just something about freshly made tortillas. All it takes is masa, water, a little salt … and maybe

Funnel Cake Fun

Photos by LG Patterson When walking through a fair, you will smell a variety of foods. One food smell stands

One Versatile Vehicle

Biscuits have a multitude of savory and sweet preparations. Two of my favorites are strawberry shortcakes and biscuits and gravy.

A Waffly Good Combo

My 6-year-old will go weeks at a time where she eats nothing but waffles. No, I do not make them

Taking Stock

When cooler weather comes calling and we spend more time inside, we tend to lean more on items in the

A Tale of Two Soups

This recipe is written for butternut squash but could be made with pumpkin, acorn squash, sweet potato, French turban, spaghetti

Grilled to Pear-fection

It’s a weird time. I know there are a lot of uncertain things going on, but I’m talking about that

Charm of Chicken Parm

It is time to harvest tomatoes. You can peel plain tomatoes and freeze or can them. You can also make